公司简介 About Us |
丹阳市盛力机械有限公司成立于2004年8月,公司致力于产品的改革和创新,所生产的产品多数具备自主知识产权。自2007年生产钻头磨沟机,2009年生产国内首台有自主知识产权的数控磨沟机以来,已获两项发明专利和十项实用型专利(十项专利同时申请发明专利),其中发明专利《数控磨或铣机床主轴传动部件》运用到数控磨沟机后,使数控磨沟机床性能有了突飞猛进的提高。 多次获丹阳市的科技进步奖。该产品具备磨削钻头、丝锥、铣刀、中心钻等具有沟槽类的工具类产品,深得全国各地用户的信任和信赖。2012年5月,公司又研制出具备有自主知识产权的双送料机构,双主轴夹持工具的高速数控钻头双后角磨床,其速度为目前市场上生产的单槽单主轴钻头双后角磨床的1.5~2倍(详见视频)。最近,公司又致力于生产有自主知识产权的《自涡流式固液分离系统》,该产品主要用于金属(或工具)磨削过程中冷却液(油或水)与砂轮屑和铁屑之间的分离,如磨削钻头沟槽时产生的铁屑分离,磨削丝锥时产生的铁屑分离等。其原理是利用冷却液的原有压力产生涡流,使砂轮屑和铁屑等固态颗粒产生离心分离,具备极低能耗,占地面积少,价格低等优点。

Danyang Shengli Machinery Co.,Ltd is the specialized manufacture mechanical device enterprise, the product involves the casting class product, the drawing machine series product, the rice mill series product, the rotary cultivator fitting, products and so on part. This company is located the Jiangsu Province southern Jiangsu developed Yangtze River triangle economical belt, is located in along the river the road (the S338 provincial road) the port cities often west side six sections, south the neighbour Changzhou Airport 20 kilometers, north adjoins the big port international wharf 15 kilometers, west depends on the Beijing to Shanghai railroad, the Shanghai and Nanjing high speed 312 federal highway 20 kilometers, the transportation facilitates extremely.
The company main product has the straight forward system drawing machine, the pulley type drawing machine, stands upside down the drawing machine. The auxiliary engine product has the cylinder escapement to receive the paying out machine, the trunk recover of wire machine, the butt welding machine, rolls over the point machine. The product widely applies in draws metal product professions and so on black, colored tinsel, welding rod, CO2 gas protection welding wire, tire steel wire, stainless steel wire, electric wire, electric cable.
The company by the product I the type, the user supreme, the prestige first, the service consummates, the first-class technology, wholeheartedly provides the high quality product for the product profession new old user.